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Clash Of The Brands

WWE Raw to Battle SmackDown at Survivor Series

Clash of the Brands

WWE Raw General Manager Kurt Angle has announced that he will lead a team of Raw Superstars into battle against SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon's team at Survivor Series. The Raw team will include Braun Strowman, Finn Bálor, Samoa Joe, and Triple H.

Team SmackDown

McMahon's team has yet to be announced, but it is expected to include some of SmackDown's top stars, such as AJ Styles, Randy Orton, and The Usos. The two teams will compete in a traditional Survivor Series elimination match, where the last team with a member remaining will be declared the winner.

Survivor Series is one of WWE's "Big Four" pay-per-view events, and it is always one of the most anticipated shows of the year. This year's event will take place on November 19 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.
